Wednesday, October 5, 2011

KD/KS in Practice: Recognize What Works!

We don't limit knowledge development and knowledge sharing to the workplace.

For many of us, we also like to look at how KD/KS is practiced in emerging societies.

Now we have an opportunity to give credit where credit is due.

Infinite Family is an organization doing really exemplary work in Africa. Through Infinite Family's mentoring program, African teens have a better chance of becoming productive members of their schools, villages and countries. With Infinite Family, adults worldwide use the internet to mentor African teens individually and face-to-face, filling the void left by adults who aren't there, and providing African teens with the opportunity to discuss, challenge, teach, encourage, befriend, and love.

It's an amazing program, and now Amy Stokes, Infinite Family's founder, has  been recognized as a Top Ten CNN Hero for 2011. The award recognizes everyday people changing the world, certainly the case for what Infinite Family is doing.

But there's more: we can vote for Amy, to propel her to CNN HERO OF THE YEAR. If our votes put her over the top, Infinite Family will be awarded USD250,000 to invest in furthering its work with young people in Africa.

So take a look at Infinite Family and read about Amy.

Then vote here (the link is: 

Please vote and vote often. You can vote up to 10 times per day from each email account until all votes are tallied on December 7th. And please ask your friends to vote.

Let's make Amy Stokes the CNN Hero of the Year and raise those funds for Infinite Family.

What a great way to celebrate knowledge development and knowledge sharing.  KD/KS really does help make the world a better place!

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